Beating the Heat in the Summer

beat the heat in the summer while pregnant

No matter where you live, it gets hot in the summer! And when you’re pregnant, it seems like temperatures rise even faster. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it’s also not safe to get too hot while you’re pregnant. With these tips, you’ll stay cool and comfortable!


Spring Cleaning Projects for Pregnancy

home improvement projects during pregnancy

Nesting is real.  You want to make the house beautiful and perfect for your new arrival.  However, pace yourself because you also need rest.  Here are some easy spring projects that will keep you busy.


Spring Nesting

spring cleaning and nesting

It’s the time of year to do a thorough clean of your home – and if you’re pregnant, your nesting instincts may be kicking in soon, anyway. If you’re like us, the number of projects you need to tackle is overwhelming, so where do you begin?

We suggest making a list of things you’d like to organize in your home and then prioritizing projects. If possible, focus on one room or closet at a time. Of course, there will be some overlap but try to complete one task before moving on to the next to be most efficient.

Utilize these tips to really focus your efforts and ensure long-term success with staying organized:

  • Donate things you aren’t using. Try not to get caught up in the thought that you “might” need it one day. Chances are if it’s been sitting in a closet for 6 months or more, you won’t use it.
  • Find a place for everything. If you cannot find a place for it, decide whether or not you really need to keep it.
  • Don’t store things on the floor. This frees up more time to actually clean since you won’t be picking things up to move them so you can sweep or vacuum.

Midwives or Doula’s?

doula, midwife or doctor

Giving birth is a wonderful time for most families.  It is a time of closeness and bonding with newborns. It is natural to think about hiring midwives or doulas to assist in this special time.  Here is a breakdown of the differences.


Valentine Ideas for Kids

Valentine Crafts

Instead of stopping at the store this year to pick up a box of premade Valentine’s cards for your little one, try your hand at a homemade Valentine’s craft.  This year is all about handmade meaningful gifts.


Making SMARTer Goals for 2024!

Making SMARTer resolutions for the new year

2024 is almost upon us. It’s that time of the year, whether you make plans, goals, or resolutions.  We like to call them SMART resolutions. Here are some suggestions for the new year.


Holidays with Little Ones

Christmas with Little Ones

Traditionally during the holidays, you may have gone “all out” with your decorating. But now you have a little one crawling, toddling or walking and ready to get into everything. So, how can you decorate while keeping your little one safe from harm? We have some tips to help you find a balance.


Christmas Crafts I’m Loving This Year

christmas crafts i'm loving for 2023

Tis the season.  Finally!  So this year I put a lot of thought into kid gifts. I chose things that were geared towards other cultures, that would make kids work together and that provided just all out joy.  There are Christmas Missions.  Here are some ideas to get not only holiday season going but to help make it a little festive for others.


Homemade Christmas Garland:  This is available at Target, is super affordable.  I gave it to siblings to work together on a Christmas Mission.

Make your own ornaments.  I am loving the homemade stuff this year.  It just makes Christmas so much better. I found the cutest homemade ornaments for kids that were plaster and came with paint!

Decorate their own room

The first gift was the movie “Elf”, then supplies to decorate their own room and “help mom”.  I included cute little notes from the “elves” that I made on my Cricut.

Gingerbread Houses – There are so many to choose from!

Christmas Missions

“Christmas isn’t all about stuff.  Sometimes it’s about giving to those that don’t have enough”.  Give the kids a gift card and tell them to work together to buy a toy for someone else.  You may be surprised.

Feed the hungry.  Donate to a food pantry.  Put a dinner together and deliver it.

Return gifts to Santa:  Okay I can not take credit for this one but it was such an amazing idea.  Have your kids go through their old toys and return them to Santa on Christas Eve ;).

Learn about another culture and how they celebrate. Include a homemade toy for Kwanzaa or a dreidel for Hanukkah.

Conversations about Financial Planning

financial lessons for kids

Financial conversations are one of the most difficult things to teach children to have.  I have heard many people say that personal finance should be taught in school.  While we agree, you can also start educating your little ones on the importance of financial independence as soon as possible.


Things Your Mom Never Told You About Being Pregnant

things your momma never told you about pregnancy

You can pretty much google any question you have about being pregnant, however, I was surprised at some of the things you just don’t know about being pregnant until you are. Things you would think your mom would have told you but did not.  Things that somehow get missed in the great quantity of new information you suddenly want to know everything about. Let’s face it—has there ever been a time in your life you were more motivated to learn? Here are four things your mom wanted to tell you, but she knew that you wouldn’t understand until you were there.
