It’s the time of year to do a thorough clean of your home – and if you’re pregnant, your nesting instincts may be kicking in soon, anyway. If you’re like us, the number of projects you need to tackle is overwhelming, so where do you begin?
We suggest making a list of things you’d like to organize in your home and then prioritizing projects. If possible, focus on one room or closet at a time. Of course, there will be some overlap but try to complete one task before moving on to the next to be most efficient.
Utilize these tips to really focus your efforts and ensure long-term success with staying organized:
- Donate things you aren’t using. Try not to get caught up in the thought that you “might” need it one day. Chances are if it’s been sitting in a closet for 6 months or more, you won’t use it.
- Find a place for everything. If you cannot find a place for it, decide whether or not you really need to keep it.
- Don’t store things on the floor. This frees up more time to actually clean since you won’t be picking things up to move them so you can sweep or vacuum.